Sunday, April 24, 2022


 Three amazing birthdays just passed, my sisters, my daughters, and myself. Amazing because Jesus Christ who planned for our creation in the image of God, before we were even formed in our mother's womb, that we might be born and choose to believe in God's only Son, and worship the only true living and wise God the Father. 

In the past, my daughter would honor me with a visit, and we would spend this month reminiscing about past birthdays and the Mother she lost who was my Wife on earth. Carol who in her last month on earth chose to believe in Jesus Christ and in a prayer of confession was not only forgiven through the power of Christ blood, but spiritually reborn having received  the power of the Holy Spirit which transformed her from a person of greif and bondage to a new creature in Crist, freed from the fear of sin and death, full of love, now living with Christ Jesus and the host of heaven, of which I am a witness. 

Lastly, let me say that there is another favorite song of Carol's she enjoyed hearing when my children were still small. The irony for me having rediscovered the music video are the scenes and words that depict her waiting for me the way I last say her young again in heaven, and the prone scene that to me represents my children still clinging to this dieing world for instead of turning to Jesus Christ like their mother and for which I pray everyday. Lastly, the words that "she is coming for me riding wild fire" is reminiscent of direct biblical references of God sending horses of fire on to collect some saints to heaven before physically dying. That YT video below...