Tuesday, March 8, 2022


Google "email the Whitehouse" to push lifting of oil production limits and canceled oil leases in Alaska before oil hits $8 a gallon and $6 for a loaf of white bread. Otherwise, crime will hit everyone's neighborhood. Don't wait till it's too late later! Otherwise, it's self-fulfilling biblical prophecy that 3 trillion dollar printing inflation plus quadruple oil prices will crash the US economy, stock market, and US banks. That means no employment, evaporation of pension  funds, and SSA will be worthless.

"In heaven, when the Lamb of God broke the third seal (famine), I heard a voice say, “Come!” I looked up and saw a black horse and its rider was holding a pair of balancing scales in his hand. And I heard the voice say, “ Let a loaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley cost an entire day’s wages. And no longer allow the wasting of the oil and wine.”
Revelation 6:5-6