Friday, December 17, 2021


In 1989 when me and my wife Carol were blessed with two small children, and both working to pay a $1000 a month mortgage  payment which by today's standards is $2500, Caral lost sleep working the nightshift at the corner market and I lost more sleep commuting 100 miles a day between Ontario and Long Beach resulting in 16 hour work days for 7 years. One day Carol sat me down to listen to a new song she wanted me to hear because she said "it's about you George" and I want you to hear it. I was embarrassed  of course because I never could take a compliment very well. But years later I realized it was her way of telling me how she felt deep inside and something that I never forgot. Fast-forward today and looking back I realize we were both the Bible refers to as "a peculiar people" chosen by God to live out eternity with Him in His kingdom and why it was meant for us to be together till death. The song below.....

I realize now I'll have all of eternity to spend quality time with my wife who is presently with the Lord, glorified by His redemptive power. And by comparison I have only a moment left in this dieing flesh before I join her. And so I dedicate my own song to my family as the time for decision is short.

IN CONCLUSION: "Even though I walk through a sunless season of my life and the shadow of death waits for me, I fear no evil, because You are still with me Oh Lord; Your rod to protect me and Your staff to guide me on this difficult path, they both comfort and console me as I approach eternity with You. There You have prepared a great feast for me in the distant presence of those that hate me. There they will see You honor me by anointing my head with holy oil and giving me an overflowing portion of unimaginable blessings. Certainly Your goodness, mercy, and faithfulness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will live forever in Your house, LORD.." Psalm 23:4-6

JESUS: "That is why I told you that you will die unforgiven and condemned in your sins; because if you do not believe in your heart that I am the eternal God and Savior of the world that I claim to be, you will surly die in your sins.” John 8:24