Wednesday, December 1, 2021


Most of the world including myself in the past are under the self delusion that life ends at physical death, even though we are all born with eternity embedded in our souls, hearts, and minds. Nevertheless we lie to ourselves that we've made heaven on earth, god in our own image, and that death is an eternal rest since we evolved, and the god of our imagination would never send us to an eternal Hell.  

But the truth is everything on the earth belongs to God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and we were all created in His image and can never die. But will be judged according to Jesus Christ Gospel and if not born-again of the Holy Spirit will spend eternity in everlasting torment. The same torment Jesus Christ suffered for your and my sins if we refuse to listen. You can't earn Salvation, but The Father paid a high price in His Son's death and suffering for the world's Salvation, and anyone (most of the world) that thinks they can enter heaven on their own terms without being born-again of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit the raised Christ, is in for a very real, eternal and unreversible loss of everything. 

That is why as much as man is born with eternity planted in their souls, mind, and hearts. The fear of death and impending judgment is also planted there in order to drive us all toward the Savior that God has provided. And in surrendering everything to Jesus Christ, we gain everything He owns and in exchange lose our fear of judment, death, and being alone in these bodies, as God Himself comes to live inside anyone who is born-again. Eternity is a horrible thing to waste in Hell, and so unnecessary. Something I came to realize and saved me from myself.

AN ASIDE AND BREAKING NEWS! It appears Dr Oz will be making a bid for the coming open Senate seat held by Pat Toomey (R) of Pennsylvania on Nov 8's General election. It suddenly occurred to me in this interview below that it sounds more like a stepping stone for a Presidential bid in 2024. Obviously we'll all know more toward the end of 2024 if he even wins the Senate seat. Only God knows but I think it's worth praying about.