Saturday, October 23, 2021


 Dear Sir/Madam,

Next year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will be hosting a prestigious international event, the 2022 Winter Olympics. Two subsequent US administrations have recognized the ongoing genocide of the CHRISTIANS perpetrated by the CCP controlled PRC government. I believe without severe measures to extricate any hint of approval of the genocide, the CCP will be exonerated and their crimes against humanity legitimized.

I am writing to ascertain your stand on the following questions so I may determine who to vote and rally my peers for in THE NEXT ELECTIONS.

Do you believe the leaders of the CCP are culpable for the CHRISTIAN ORGAN HARVEST GENOCIDE?

What measures do you propose besides taking a political donation, to hold the CCP leaders accountable to end their crimes against humanity?

What measures do you propose enacting to hold the CCP leaders accountable for the cultural genocide of people's in Southern Mongolia?

Will you instead continue accepting donations in exchange for support of all USA business infiltrated by Chinese Communist Party?

Will you publicly report all contacts with Chinese government officials or United Front organizations as an office holder, or continue to be silent at the EXPENSE OF OUR NATION which rings like a bell throughout the land DESTROYING PROSPERITY?

Your answers will enable other VOTER'S ACROSS PARTY LINES to make informed decisions about these issues we all find fundamentally important.

Thank you for your time and attention, and May God have mercy upon your house dependent upon whether you are complicit or righteous in your actions to defend and support the constitution you swore to uphold.

Very Respectfully Always, 

MICAH 7:1-8  "How miserable I am! I feel like the fruit picker after the destruction of a harvest who can find nothing to eat. Not a cluster of grapes or a single early fig can be found to satisfy my hunger.  It seems as though Godly people have all hidden themselves; and not one honest person is left on the earth. They are all compromised and complicit in murder, setting future traps even for their own children, their hands are equally skilled at allowing evil! Our officials and judges alike demand bribes. Those with political influence get what they want, and together they scheme to twist justice into injustice. Even the best of them is like a thornbush; the most honest as dangerous as a hedge of poison-Ivy.  But your judgment Oh LORD is coming swiftly now. The time of punishment is near, a time of confusion and distrust; they will put no trust in a neighbor; they will have have no confidence in a friend; they will even close the doors of their heart from the one that lies in their bed. Sons will dishonor their fathers and treat them contemptuously, and daughters also will rise up in hostility against their parents, The daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— So that a man’s enemies will become the members of his own household!  BUT AS FOR ME, I will look expectantly for the LORD MY GOD and with confidence in Him. I will keep watch over my soul; I will wait with confident expectation for the God of my salvation (Jesus Christ), and my God will hear me! So pease do not rejoice over my tragedy when the enemy come to destroy me, because even though I fall in this world, I will rise again in the next; though I sit in this world of darkness, the LORD is a light for me (all true believers)."