Tuesday, July 20, 2021


I spent the day today ironically at Valley View Hospital doing a battery of test to find out whats going on with my physical body, specifically my liver which has apparently been acting up lately. Being at Valley View Hospital reminded me of my late wife Carol who passed from death to life on July 19th 2010. 

One month before her passing still mobile but very sick in the last stages of cancer, she told me that she knew I always wanted her to become a Christian and she was willing. Surprised I realized that through the years of our marriage I had discussed enough about the reasons and the only thing that was needed was to ask her to recite the prayer of repentance, salvation and belief in Jesus Christ with me. As I recall I had her recite the following prayer. “Dear Jesus son of God, I'm sorry for all me sins, I believe you died on the cross for me, please forgive me and come into my heart so that I can be with you always, in Jesus name I pray amen.” Immediately after the prayer she asked me to help her back to her room from the front yard patio, I was also tired for some reason and decided to take a nap in the room next door.

About 1 hour later I awoke to Carol's loud calls for me “ George-George-George.” I though she must had fallen but when I opened her door she was sitting up in bed with with the most incredible look of joy and a face full of tears pointing up at the far corner of the room where the ceiling and wall meet. Look she said can you see? Its heaven! I can see heaven! Then she looked at me and said “George, I'm dyeing but I'm not afraid anymore, I'm ready to die now. I told her I believe you but I want to call the ambulance for help. When the paramedics arrived at the front door I quickly explained Carol's medical condition before we proceeded into her room. When the paramedics asked her about her pain level she said “I'm in pain and dying but its OK I'm not afraid and I'm ready to die now, please look over there and tell me you can see it”, what? the parametric asked Carol. “Heaven! Cant you see it?” No ma'am the parametric replied. All I see is the wall.

That evening Carol spent the next 4 hours in the emergency room at Valley View Hospital joyful and obviously filled with the Holy Spirit in spite of her pain and having a ¼ inch pipe placed between her ribs to fill her collapsing lungs, all this without pain meds as they had run out the day before. The doctor offered to have her flown by hospital helicopter to Las Vegas to have all the tumors removed which could giver her a few more months. But Carol declined and said “Its OK I'm no longer have that fear of dying, I'm ready...

There is allot more to this story that transpired in the 3 weeks she lasted before her death. During that time God opened doors for Carol to have the best intravenous pain medication delivered by computerized portable pump which I was taught to operate, breaking new ground rules for hospice care. Carol was able to spend the next 3 weeks with her family pain and anxiety free with normal sleep cycles and clear lungs due to a drain in her diaphragm never before tried with a cancer patient, which kept her from drowning in her own lung fluids until her last day when Carol peacefully informed us that she was going to sleep and would not be waking up again. Her last words whispered to me were “I wish I could still walk” to which I replied “Carol your not only going to walk but fly in heaven, and remember to just keep repeating Jesus Name as you go” “OK she said, let me sleep now...


I forgot  to add that 2 days after Carol's  departure she appeared to me in spiritual form while I was wide awake, we shared reassurances and she expressed how wonderful heaven was.
After that about a month later in what I though was the most realistic dream of my life, I met her in heaven, an amazing meeting place where everyone I passed recognized me but I recognized no one but Carol who came running up to meet me. Everyone was young and beautiful but Carol who I embraced face to face had skin, eyes, and hair that was so indescribably perfect. Her main concern was for our children, asked to do everything I can to lead them to salvation by sharing the good news and prayer that they come to know Jesus personally... That was the last encounter and since then I try and pray twice a day for our prodigal children to accept Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives before it's too late.