Tuesday, April 27, 2021


"I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world. The LORD of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress, our refuge, and our high tower. Forever."

UPDATE! As Trillions are printed by governments working with industry to endlessly chase an ever mutating man-made virus released "accidentally", low cost inexpensive cures like Ivermectin continue to be blocked by hospitals to patients on death's door. Only good judges who see the truth are intervening to save lives with this miracle drug Ivermectin which was never created in a lab by man, but discovered naturally occurring in the soil decades ago with a huge history of safe human and livestock consumption against countless diseases. Meanwhile the mint keeps printing money devaluating every individuals bank account and why the cost of raw materials are skyrocketing like stick of lumber for example which recently cost just $2 now cost $7. So don't think your saved devaluating money will save you as socialist redistribution of YOUR wealth is occurring as you read this. 
There is only one place your investment is truly safe: 
Jesus said “Don’t store up treasures investing it only here on earth, where they will be destroyed, and where thieves find ways to steal it. Instead invest your treasures primarily in heaven, where it cannot be destroy, and thieves can never break in and steal it. Because where you are investing your treasure, reveals to God where your heart really is."