Friday, November 13, 2020


Jesus: "It would be far better to be thrown into the sea with a millstone hung around your neck than to be complicit in the fall of these little children into sin.

"The Twitter account for Target stores says the $80 billion corporation will stop selling a book about trangenderism’s harmful impact on young girls, following a complaint from a single Twitter account.

“Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We have removed this book from our assortment,” the Target tweet said after an activist complained that Target is selling the book, authored by Abigail Shrier.
The book, titled Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, helps to explain how a wave of young girls are nudged and pushed into declaring they want to take life-altering drugs, adopt an opposite-sex identity, and undergo irreversible surgery. 
In August 2015, Target stores began pushing “gender neutral” product lines in the kids’ sections. In April 2016, the company insisted that women share bathrooms with men who say they are women — prompting a huge consumer correction that temporarily chopped up to one-third of the company’s stock value.
Shrier tweeted:"Amazon explicitly bars ads for the book, while granting ads to books that celebrate the medical transition of teen girls who suddenly decide they’re trans. If you don’t think that indicates that Amazon is a retailer with a strong opinion, I’m not sure what to say." BB NEWS