Thursday, July 2, 2020

The (TRUMP) economy has added around 7.3 million jobs in the past two months. The increase in the ranks of employed workers shows that companies ramped up hiring as the economy reopened and consumers came back to stores, restaurants, and other businesses that had been shuttered in March and April.
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Almighty and merciful God we "The Church The Bride of Christ" pray that you will continue to use President Trump according to your will, purpose, and name sake. The Bride also prays for this nation founded on Judeo-Christian Laws and principals, now damaged as most have abandoned both You, Your Word, and Your Commandments. Have mercy on us Oh Lord especially those who remain faithful. Hold back the hearts of darkness being instigated, blinded, and enslaved by satan and his deamons, until the day of our "harpazō", Your snatching away of the Bride of Christ before the great and terrible days of judgment which will fall upon the whole world. Until then let Your Holy Spirit bring forth great revivals increasing the Bride of Christ. In Jesus Christ Holy Name The Church prays, amen and Amen!