Monday, July 27, 2020

BREAKING: A Federal Judge blocks Portland OR radical Democrat City Counsel from enacting a horrible new law that prevents police from defending themselves with riot equipment against so-called social justice rioters in order to have a level field against White-Privileged Police. Even the Police Chief spoke out against the horrible law!

The Inner City Opportunity Zone Program that has helped bring Black unemployment to record lows 4% before the riots, is now being targetted by Joe Biden's AOC radical Squad. Anything to derail President Trump's efforts to help Black lives and recover the US economy.

President Trump's 4 executive orders to make prescription drugs affordable for All Americans cannot be over stated. Nevertheless Joe Biden and his radical Democrat Party are already filing lawsuits to stop the President from helping The People.

God’s law was given as a benchmark so that all people could see how sinful they really were by comparison. But as people sinned more and more (unbelievers), God’s wonderful grace became more abundant (to believers). Rom 5:20