Sunday, June 7, 2020

I'm amazed that this drug the Lord led me to use back on March 22 when they wouldn't even see patients with covid19 symtoms at the hospital. Local hospitals told me I'd have to be in respiratory distress before seeing me, and I almost was. So I prayed for guidance and researched all the drugs a had in the house for help and none except a veterinarian drug for my dog called Ivermectin. In a little known scientific research paper that popped up online where it was discovered that this human and animal oral drug used for internal paresites also inhibited viral replication and was used experimentally to control SARs and HIV sucessfully.... Long story short I took this oral drug I had on hand for my dog and in just 8 hours my throat and chest congestion had remarkably improved. A followup doses 48 hours later and 8 hours after that and my throat and lungs were clear free of pain. The only side affect I had wierd jumbled nervous dreams. But all praise to God it worked and I never thought it would be discovered later as a cure for Covid19 today lol.
"Reports Friday from multiple trials in the United States and abroad indicate a drug already approved by the FDA to treat parasitic infections is showing “astounding” results, and could represent a breakthrough in efforts to vanquishing the SARS-CoV-2 virus at the heart of the global pandemic.
Physicians who participated in the study report that patients’ viral loads began declining almost immediately after they began administering ivermectin, a widely available prescription drug approved to combat parasites, scabies and head lice.
Emergency medical physician Dr. Peter H. Hibberd, M.D., of Palm Beach County, Florida, told Newsmax Friday evening in an exclusive interview that he’s optimistic the drug will prove to be an important therapeutic advance, although he expects more trials will be needed before it wins FDA approval for use as a COVID-19 medication.
He noted it has impressed doctors in clinical trials on multiple continents.
“There’s a common denominator here,” said Hibberd. “This drug is salvaging people from their death bed.”
In some cases, doctors reported just one dose of ivermectin markedly improved a patient’s condition. U. S. patients received a single oral dose, and some of them received a booster dose seven days later. The FDA-approved dose for parasitic infections was used." (NEWSMAX)

“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? So if sinful people know how to give good gifts to their children, how much more will your Heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask and love Him. Matthew 7:9

So The Lord has shown you, O man, what is good for you; and what does the LORD require of you now but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8