Saturday, June 13, 2020


I recived some discernment from the Lord to help me understand the "why" in what's happening in regard to many previous supporters of christian/conservative values now turning to the side of the militant hateful crowds, and God has revealed it has almost nothing to do with race.

It's the enemy using the same tactic used when similar angry crowds after witnessing miracles of 5000 and 10,000, fed. Many healing miracles and some resurrected from the dead. Even after the religious left was exposed for its open lies and hypocrisy, and after great multitudes cheered and laid down palm branches in support. 

After all this the enemy stepped in with demonic power to created false witch hunt narratives and incited the same crowds to become violent and riotous intimidating the Roman government and voted to pick Barabbas a known and admitted criminal over a proven innocent man of all accused false charges.  

I'm not trying to make a flawed Trump comparison to The Author of Life and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm merly pointing out that we need to recognise the same devices being used by the enemy today. And prepare ourselves spiritually then mentally that as servants we (The Church) are not greater than our master Jesus Christ in that if the world persecuted Him, the world will persecute the His church. Maybe losing this next election as improbable as it may seem, may be God's continued plan on the road to rapture, tribulation, victory at Armageddon, and Jesus Christ world-wide Millennial Kingdom.

*In the meantime we must continue to be Salt and Light to The People. Fighting the good fight with the armore of God fully adorned, regardless of our personal understanding or the current outlook. No matter the outcome of the 2020 election it should be considered just one hard fought battle on the way to victory. We don't retreat and we must never surrender our souls by joining those on the highway to Hell.