Wednesday, March 4, 2020

While I'm relieved primary voters turned away a confessed Marxist running for president, the turnaround for Joe Biden looked a little too good and a bit rigged. Like those new digital voting machines in CA that suddenly all went down by coincidence leaving many Burnie Bro's not voting in time and CA judge not allowing polls to stay open. Nevertheless we all must continue to give thanks to God and keep praying for our great President Trump who has championed true Christian standards. Why God's appointed Trump who will be victorious against Joe Biden full-term abortion supporter / infant killer, and Joe who supports the destruction of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, which he can't even recite in public. Also that God will confound and defeat all the liberal-left's evil plans and dirty tricks to steal this election from The-People. May it all be according to God's whole will and purpose, in Jesus Christ Holy name we must pray, amen and AMEN! 

Mark Dice summarized it best...

So who will Joe Biden pick for his VP running mate? Well one thing for sure with a new investigation and court order looming, it will not be Hillary Clinton.