Thursday, March 19, 2020

I thought getting there early would be a good idea but the line was already wrapped half way round the building. 6AM came and went as we were told Walmart would now not be opening until 7AM. The irony is by that time most people needed to use the bathroom anyway let all one buy papper. I met an elderly couple that were transplants from New Your about in there 70's and we were socializing. But the friendly mood changed when I said Bernie would be proud of this line for food. After that they discovered I was a conservative and there was only silence.
Finally the doors opened and the police were there to stop the parking lot crowd from rushing the doors and cutting line like they did yesterday. Inside everyone was offered a 1 per customer big pack of toilet papper roles and 48 pack of water. The egg section was in stock but it looked like a sale crowd making your way to get a box. The baking isle was mostly wiped out along with pasta and beef/pork section. Other than that it was like an old fashion holiday gift rush. Can you imagine opening your gift and finding out you got a bag of flower or toilet paper...  As the President continues to do a great job, suddenly many on the left are giving praise to Trump as noted by his Christian legal team at ACLJ led by Supreme Court Specialist Jay

*I urge you, first to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks to God on their behalf. Also pray the same way for your ruler and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2:1