Tuesday, October 7, 2014

There's no compromising with God when it comes to our relationships

It took me most of my entire life to learn that regardless of  who you are or your circumstances, all of our relationships be with our marriage, children, parents, friendships or romance, none of these can endure long lasting "fruitful" commitment without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Unless we are born again of the Holy Spirit we don't have the ability to perpetuate true unrequited love the way God intended, its just not possible. Ultimately we are allowed by a loving God to reject the truth and believe whatever version of reality the world has to offer. But outside of a “born again” relationship with Jesus Christ we don't stand a chance even in Hell, and everything we've achieved will be and is for nothing! This of course made evident the longer and farther we remain outside of his loving will for us and reject the truth and so great a Salvation.
Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you will never see the Kingdom of God.” Humans can reproduce only human life, but only the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.  So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’  The  wise build a godly home, but the foolish tear it down with their own hands.
The ONE YOU should be Running To!

7th Time down (live) JUST SAY JESUS! 
